Theorizing a Fundamental Wormhole | Time Travel |
We crave new sensations but soon become indifferent to them. The wonders of yesterday are today common occurrences. - Nikola Tesla
Parallel Universe and Multi-verse
Parallel universes are simply the branches of the very original universe whose formation is caused by the probability of alternative actions we perform in our everyday life. For instance, there exists a universe where you choose to lay down in your bed rather than reading this blog, but due to the combination of actions you choose, you are what you are today, in this universe.
Meanwhile, a multiverse is a whole new universe where the values of physical constants are different than the other. Such physical constants being Gravitation constant, Planck constant, the charge of an electron, even the speed of light, and some others.
Quantum Numbers
Quantum numbers are those boring numbers that help you identify a specific particle in the universe. The four quantum numbers are 'blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, and Spin Quantum Number'. The Spin quantum describes the value of intrinsic angular momentum assigned to an electron, which helps to distinguish a unique electron in a pair. No two electrons (particles) can have the same set of quantum numbers.
Quantum Entanglement
Imagine a cat kept in a box with a poison that has random chances of being triggered. The box is kept in absolute no exchange with the outer world for some time. It is only after an observation that we know if the cat is alive or dead. But, the strange phenomena of quantum entanglement suggests that, until an observation is made, the cat is in the superposition of being dead and alive at the same time. Only when we observe it, the wave function of the cat, being dead and alive at the same time, collides and we see only one of the conditions. This thought experiment is called the "Schrodinger's Cat" experiment.
This phenomenon is appreciable in distinguishing electron pair. For electrons, the Spin Quantum Number is of two types, the up spin, and the down spin. Two electrons that have the first three quantum numbers the same, can never have the same spin.
Let's take a pair of electrons with the first three quantum states the same. Now for both the electrons, their spin in the superposition of both spin up and spin down. But, the moment we measure the spin of the 1st electron, its spin superposition collides and gives us the spin up (suppose). Then, since the electron pair have the rest of the quantum states the same, we immediately know the spin of the 2nd electron is spin down.
Quantum Fluctuation of Spacetime
If an empty space is observed on a scale of 10^-15 meters in the space-time curve, it is said that particles and antiparticles pop in and out of existence for a very short instant of time. Going even further, if observed on a scale of 10^-25 meters, it is believed that microscopic black holes are formed and immediately destroyed within a disturbingly small interval of 10^-23 seconds.
These microscopic black holes can lead to the formation of Einstein Rosen Bridges (aka Wormholes).
White Holes
White holes and black holes perform the exact opposite action. One swallows anything around and the other repels. One pokes the spacetime curve creating a hole appearing invisible, the other discharges light and is vividly identified.
Einstein Rosen Bridge
Albert Einstein and Nathen Rosen used the ' Theory of General Relativity ' in 1935 to propose the idea of "bridges" in the space-time curve which could open a gate or a portal through space and time into another point in the spacetime curve, namely Einstein Rosen Bridges, by tearing a hole through the spacetime. These brides could be a shortcut to a point millions of lightyears away or a path to the past.
A big possibility that physicists predict is the pair of a black hole at one point in spacetime and a white hole at another point in spacetime creating a wormhole.
(Now puting some of my own wisdom forward...)
Let's call our present Universe the 'Black Universe', since it's all dark and black, and the other supposed end of the wormhole, which is the white hole, leads to a Universe 'White Universe' since everything is bright and white.
Black holes and white holes would form a wormhole such that the contemporary black hole would lead to a white hole in the past. Similar to the electron pairs, quantum entanglement could perhaps be seen in black holes and white holes which would be existing in superposition, and it would only be a matter of observation when we filter our Black Universe from the White Universe. Moreover, since the two are in a state of quantum entanglement, passage through a black hole would inevitably lead us to a white hole, and thus White Universe
Furthermore, just like the quantum numbers of an electron, similar circumstances could be defined for the black holes too. No two black holes would have the same quantum state. Each black hole would pair with the respective opposite spin (or whatever the quantum circumstance be) white hole, like the electrons. The quantum states could be used as coordinates in spacetime for time travel to different places and times.
All of this comes with some big hindrances
While reaching the black hole, the gravity will get so worse that you will be squeezed even before you could reach its event horizon. It would require an infinitely powerful spaceship to merely hover over the event horizon. Then, even if you survive the squeeze, the black hole would completely change you into nothing, at all. A black hole is known to destroy any information flowing into it. Diving more in, there comes the singularity, where time is supposed to come at a stop. Here we could use an exotic matter to create a feasible reason for us to fit in and pass.
For now, let's end it right here. See you guys around.
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